Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Channel your inner Thoreau

I find the whole idea of staying for a year or two in a very quiet place by the lake and close to a mountain utterly appealing and romantic. I would love to have a little patch of vegetable garden too, you know, just to potter around and try growing my own food. This thought (the vegetable garden is new, added into the picture two years ago) has always been there since my teenage years.

But now, though, I think it's all more attractive. It's probably got to do with the fact that I'm surrounded by construction. Because the funny thing is even though I work from home now, I'm exposed to a lot of noise during the day. I'm hearing a cacophony of construction piling thumping, trucks going by, cranes turning slowly and some kind of concrete cutting or soldering on a large scale on an. almost. daily. basis. For the record, this continues on Saturdays too. My poor ears get only one day off each week.

Anyway, I came across freecabinporn (excuse the name), and there are some really nice rustic cabins out there! So quaint and pretty! I'm still undecided if I want to have Internet connection though if I were to stay in one. Modern-day inner conflicts. Tsk.

Compiled some of my favourites here, with pictures blown up bigger for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! 

All images from freecabinporn

P/S: I tried reading Walden by Thoreau a couple of times. Alas, I wasn't able to finish it.

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